Prof. Dr. Valentina Nikolayevna
Date and place of birth: December 14, 1935, Ryazan, Russia.
Candidate of Arts, Musicology (Ph.D. in Music),
Doctor of Arts, Musicolody.
since 1965 - member of Russian Composers Union.
since 1987 - Professor of Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory.
since 1991 - Head of the Interdisciplinary Specializations of Musicologists Chair.
since 1993 - Dean of the Probation and Professional Training Department.
since 1993 - Professor of Moscow Lomonosov State University, Cultural Studies Department.
Major Awards and Honors
1980 - Ministry of Education Prize, for the book "Russian Musical Rhythm", manuscript);
1981 - Bela Bartok Prize, for the book "Problems of Rhythm in XXth Century Music";
1991 - Boris Asafiev Prize, for the book "Alfred Schnittke", (co-authored with E.Chigareva);
1995 - Honored Art Worker of Arts of Russia.
2003 - Best book of the year (award of the Russian "Book Review" magazine).
2006 - Award "Honor and Benefit" by the International non-profit organization "Mecenates of the Century"
2006 - State Award "Orden Druzhby" (Award of Friendship).
2011 - State Award of Russian Government.
1950-1954 - Musical College, Ryazan. B.A., Theory of Music.
1954-1959 - Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory. M.A., Theory and Composition.
(Studied under distinguished Musicians: Prof. Roman Gruber, Prof. Victor Zukkermann, Prof. Leo Masel.)
1959-1962 - Postgraduate Study (Theory and Composition). Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory.
1968 - Candidate dissertation "Problems of Rhythm in XXth Century Music".
1985 - Doctoral dissertation "Russian Musical Rhythm".
Employment / Teaching experience
1952-1954 - Lecturer: Musical College, Ryazan.
1959-1984 - Associate professor: Musical Gnesins Pedagogical College, Moscow.
1960-present - Professor: Mosow Tchaikovsky Conservatory. Courses taught: Analysis of Musical Forms, Music as a Kind of Art.
1962-1963 - Visiting Professor: Nizhniy Novgorod Conservatory (Russia).
1991-1992 - Visiting Professor: Beijing, Central Conservatory of Music; Shanghai, Conservatory of Music (China).
1993-present - Professor: Moscow Lomonosov State University, Cultural Studies Department.
Research interests
Founder of three new scholar trends in the Russian musicology:
1. Theory and History of Musical Rhythm (Candidate and Doctoral Dissertations, books and numerous articles);
2. Theory of Musical Contents - book "Music as a Kind of Art" (synthesis of Musicology, Philosophy, Psychology, and Semiotics);
3. Theory of Musical Emotions.
V.N.Kholopova contributed much to the development of Theory and History of Musical Form - book "Forms of Musical Compositions" (1999). She developed the Theory of Melody, Texture and Thematic Transformation. V.N.Kholopova contributed much to the musical analysis of XX Century music - books on Alfred Shnittke (in collaboration with Evgenija Chigareva, 1991), Sofia Gubaidulina (in collaboration with Enzo Restagno, in Russian and Italian - 1991, 1996), Anton Webern (in collaboration with Yuriy Kholopov, in Russian, German, Italian - 1984, 1989, 1990), articles on Alban Berg, Anton Webern, Igor Stravinsky, Dmitri Shostakovich, Sergei Prokofiev, Alfred Schnittke, Sofia Gubaidulina, Edison Denisov, Rodion Shchedrin, Sergei Slonimsky, Boris Tishchenko, Vladislav Shoot, Roman Ledenev, Victor Suslin.
Address: The Moscow State Conservatory, 13, Bolshaya Nikitskaya Str., 125009 Moscow, Russia.